Diwali Real Cracker Game | Happy Diwali Game Download

Diwali real cracker game

An initiative Let’s play Ecco Friendly Diwali by downloading Diwali Real Cracker Game. About Diwali festivalDiwali or Deepavali is celebrated two to five days (depending as per Calendar) Diwali is a festival of lights and the biggest festival in India, celebrated by every religion by Hindu, Jain, Sikh and some Buddhist and more every winter or autumn in the northern region. … Read more

AdMob Native Ads Advanced example Android Studio 2/2

admob native ads advanced

This is the Advance part for implementing google AdMob native ads advanced (Unified) in android apps.Note: If you have completed Part 1 basic then only proceedClick here to complete a basic setting for Admob native ads. Using the ScrollView component for displaying google AdMob native ads advanced in android apps. Also read: AdMob live ads are Not … Read more

6 Ways to Reduce App size Android APK | App Builder

Reduce the app size in Thunkable, Appybuilder, App builder, Makroid, or MIT app inventor. Why reduce the size of your app APK?A user usually tries to avoid downloading or installing apps that are larger in size. This article explains the possible ways to minimize the application size in Thunkable, Appybuilder, MIT App inventor( Massachusetts Institute … Read more